Hektor Litters
Alpine A Alpine B Sommers Wald B
Litter B Litter C

CH Hektor Blässhunde USA aus der Leinemasch
Born 12/13/2014 Hektor is a Havana Brown
Appenzeller. He is available for stud.
In addition to numerous Best of Breed wins in Conformation, including his UKC Championship title, Hek also earned several Group Placements in AKC Open Shows in Washington and California in 2018. He also was the #1 Appenzeller in 2018, 2019 and 2022 in UKC. He is the first ever Appenzeller to make the UKC Top Ten, and invited to compete in UKC's Premier event in Kalamazoo MI. Hektor was also honoured by the Nanaimo Kennel Club for earning the most titles in performance events in 2018.
In 2022 and 2023 Hektor earned group placements in UKC shows, as well as Best in Show in Enumclaw, WA at the IABCA Summer Sieger. Four of Hektor’s progeny were shown at the Summer Sieger and won the Family Group. It was an auspicious occasion for our breed to have multiple dogs together at one event.
In 2023 he won Best Rare Breed, Group firsts, Gold Cup and also was the recipient of the Grand Sieger at the IABCA Peace Arch Sieger in Lynden, WA. He won Best in Open Show at the Tacoma Kennel Club show in Graham, Wa in 2023.
Hektor’s other titles include AKC Rally Obedience Titles at the Advanced and Excellent. He also earned his CARO Rally Master Rally Championship title and his Brace Rally Championship title with his daughter, Bri. He has also earned his CKC Novice and Open Scent Detection titles.
During COVID our training and performance continued on, albeit virtually, and Hektor earned a number of titles in Rally Obedience, UKI and USDAA Agility. These were trying times for us all, but we are ever grateful for these organisations for providing opportunities to keep dogs and handlers engaged and doing the things they love.
Many of these “virtual” programs carried
on even after COVID due to their overwhelming success! We
still take advantage of these opportunities to train and trial
without leaving our backyard!
Hektor sired three litters with Desta of Deroche Appenzellers, one litter with Bickli of Sommers Wald Appenzellers, (COVID litter) and 2 litters with Yuki of Alpine Appenzellers.

Pedigree: Hektor Pedigree
Health Tests: Orthopedic
<"center"> Click
the slides to see the puppy pictures!
ALGRCH Brigitte von Deroche Appenzellers
Born 02/04/2018
Bri is from Deroche Appenzellers “B”litter. Sired by Hektor,
she came to live with us in the fall of 2018. She’s a Havana
Brown like her dad, and the first female Appenzeller we’ve
owned. She was a timid girl when she arrived, lacking confidence,
but that quickly changed in her new environment. Having
Hek as her role model helped her immensely. I had to take
a different training approach with Bri, as she was a much
“softer” dog than her dad. I got her into the show ring
in 2019 and she earned her National and International Championships
with IABCA. She has also competed as an adult in several
AKC events and has won Best of Opposite Sex each time in
the ring.
As Bri’s confidence grew, I started training her in Rally
Obedience. Typical of most Appenzellers, she learned very
quickly and competed in her first AKC Rally trial in 2019.
But then COVID hit, and live trials were not an option.
Thanks to AKC’s virtual Rally program, Bri and Hek carried
on, and earned their Advanced and Excellent Rally titles.
Since COVID, Bri has finished her CKC Rally titles, and
her CARO Rally Master CH and her Brace CH. She has also
earned two UKC Rally titles. She has an affinity for obedience
and has started to trial in both AKC,UKC CKC obedience.
In 2022, Bri earned her CKC Companion Dog Title , and in
2023 her AKC Companion Dog Title.
She loves scent work and has her CKC Novice title, and three
titles in C-Wags scent work. Bri still enjoys the Conformation ring and most recently
earned her Grand Championship title in Altered Conformation.
In July 2023, the Appenzeller Sennenhunde became a listed
breed in CKC, and both Bri and Hek were the first Appenzellers
to be shown in Canada at the Alberni Valley Kennel Club
show in October, 2023.
